Carmel & Clay Center Elementary Schools

In 2018 Carmel Clay Schools (CCS) began the process of evaluating their projected enrollments and addressing their aging elementary schools. The end result was the decision to replace their oldest elementary school in the heart of downtown Carmel on the same site and build a new elementary school on the West side of town.

Through evaluation of their existing facilities, user group meetings, and administrative input, CSO was able to develop a design solution personalized to the specific needs and desires of teachers, faculty, administrators, and students.

CCS wanted to retain what was good and functional about their existing facilities while also creating innovative learning environments ready for the next 50+ years of education. CCS had explored a grade level neighborhood or pod concept previously, but teachers expressed frustration with the size and ability to supervise students in these shared spaces. CSO’s design solution is five classrooms with large glass doors that open to a large commons space. Each pair of classrooms includes a shared small group room and ‘cubby alcove’ for student storage. These neighborhoods are expected to house an entire grade level and are paired in the overall layout to allow them to share a secure outdoor courtyard. At the center of the building is the ‘Discovery Center’ with overhead doors that allow students to freely access the space throughout the day. The building is designed to fit in with the surrounding neighborhood.

CCS students and staff are excited for the new opportunities these buildings create for teachers to teach and students to learn in new ways.

Deer Creek Elementary School

The design of this new two-story K-4 elementary builds on concepts from CSO’s design of Southeastern Elementary School. While programming for this new school with HSE administrators, principals, and faculty, the design team determined the previous school design was a resounding success and very few enhancements were recommended for improvement. Daylighting and views, visibility, flexible furniture, classroom extensions, and multiple types of learning spaces are still key elements of the inquiry-based learning environment created.

Each learning neighborhood includes six studios (classrooms) and a central shared activity commons that is large enough for the entire neighborhood to gather. Also included in each neighborhood is a small STEM lab/kitchenette, three small group rooms, and three sets of student restrooms. Outdoor courtyards, patios, and rooftop terraces help bring the outdoors in and provide additional opportunity for extending the classroom outside.

Adjacent to the learning neighborhoods are instructional spaces for art and music along with a language/global studies/resource studio The close proximity between the neighborhoods and the enrichment areas provides the possibility of a flex classroom should a grade level size fluctuate and need an additional classroom.

The most central point in the building is the Discovery Center (Media Center) and support spaces. A large, two-story open area draws students into the space with various zones for gathering and reading as well as providing space for media production.

Klondike Elementary School

A focal point of the design is the introduction of the learning commons, a versatile space designed to foster collaboration and adaptability. Here, educators will have the flexibility to seamlessly transition between direct instruction and group activities, catering to the diverse learning styles of their students. Each grade-level neighborhood will include small group rooms, providing intimate spaces for targeted instruction. Student support and enrichment will be offered directly within each neighborhood, allowing for push-in instruction and ensuring that every student can receive the assistance they need within the comfort of their classroom or neighborhood.

The building’s transformation extends beyond the confines of the classroom, encompassing a range of enhancements to the school’s facilities. Students and staff alike will benefit from new related arts spaces, including a new media center, art room, and music room, while renovated offices, an updated gymnasium, and reconfigured cafeteria and kitchen will provide functional and inspiring spaces for both learning and recreation.

Originally constructed in 1955, Klondike Elementary has undergone six subsequent addition and renovation projects, five of which will be demolished as part of this project. Through careful planning, the building will remain operational throughout construction.

In conjunction with the renovation and addition to Klondike Elementary, a new Intermediate School will house grades 3-5. The Intermediate School, also designed by CSO, will begin construction in the Fall of 2024. The Klondike campus is scheduled to be completed in the Summer of 2026.